
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Christmas Tree

And the winner is..............Christmas tree with three votes! I really apologize to all of you who wanted me to do something different, but on my blog, majority wins! Keep in mind I will definitely do everything before Christmas. I really hope you enjoy. I'm sorry I didn't post in a while. Keep reading for instructions! For the last few years, my family and I had to deal without a Christmas tree. I want to warn all of you that this tree will not be able to stand up by itself. Instead, it will be against a wall. 

First, you have to choose some pretty paper. Who says Christmas trees have to be green? I'm going to make mine orange. I decided to pick out different patterns. For some people, many patterns in one tree can look a bit odd. I think it looks fabulous. Since I'm out of construction paper, I'll be using scrapbook paper. Make sure your paper is as thick as possible. You have to lay out the papers as shown below.

This next part requires just a bit of tape. You want to tape everywhere where two papers intersect. This just keeps everything together and intact. 

The next step can be really tricky and requires practice. Draw a Christmas tree on the huge paper. Be sure to make it as big as possible and leave room for the stump. My strategy is to draw all straight lines. That way, it can be more even. I wish I could show you my drawing, but I did it in pencil and you cannot see it right now, so I'll show you after I cut ✂ it out. You're gonna want to cut yours out, too. 

After cutting, you may find the papers are kind of coming apart. Don't tape everywhere, just in the areas where it is coming apart. 

It's finished! Feel free to customize your tree however you want to. Be sure to vote on which Christmas craft you want me to do second! See ya later alligators!

I'm sorry this was very simple and not at all advanced. I can guarantee that if you use different colors, it will look gorgeous. Just try it out.

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